Сакаш да се откажеш?
Пред да ја потврдиш својата одлука, запознај се со последиците од таа одлука.
Доколку го потврдиш своето откажување, на твојот комјутер ќе наместиме cookie, кој ќе ни овозможи, во текот на натпреварот (14.03 - 18.03.2016) при посета на порталот да те препознаеме и да овозможиме слободно користење на порталот, без прикажување сликички, односно контролор на играта од десна страна на екранот.

Истовремено ќе бидат одземени сите собрани поени. За жал, со откажувањето, губиш и право на награди.

Дали се уште сакаш да се откажеш?
Can you break the code and find the treasure?
Клучни зборови:




A treasure map is a part of the section WORKSHEETS where your children can practise their English. There are hundreds of worksheets here that you can download and print to practise their reading and writing in English. 

After registration to Learn English Kids, you can download the map and you can ask your child to try to break the code and find the treasure. To download the map and instructions, click on the image below.




Part Read and Write can help your children to practise their reading and writing in English. They can write in the Your turn section, read and write in the Practise your English section and they can improve their vocabulary with the Word of the week.

Now go and explore LearnEnglish Kids, part Read and Write - HERE!

LearnEnglish Kids is a site for children who are learning English. It is for children all over the world. They will find games, songs, stories, and lots of activities on the site - about lots of different topics.

On this site children can:

  • play games and practise English while they learn about lots of different things
  • listen to songs and stories and practise listening to English in listen and watch
  • read stories, write to us, and download worksheets to print in read and write
  • make online monsters and more, or download instructions for things to make in make
  • find links to great websites for kids in explore


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