Сакаш да се откажеш?
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Истовремено ќе бидат одземени сите собрани поени. За жал, со откажувањето, губиш и право на награди.

Дали се уште сакаш да се откажеш?
Рингераја.мк користи "колачиња" за обезбедување подобро корисничко искуство, следење на посетеноста и приказ на огласи. Поставките за прифаќање на колачињата ги прилагодувате во вашиот пребарувач.
Со продолжување на користењето на сајтот се смета дека се согласувате со користење на колачињата за наведените цели. За продолжување кликнете “Во ред”.   Дознајте повеќе.
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   Инсеминација со донор
25.3.2010 23:10:12   
Ја отворам оваа тема со цел да слушнам ваше мислење. Каде во МК се прави оваа постапка, колку е безбедна, колку чини...Секоја информација би ми била од помош. Поздрав.....
Непосредна врска до пораките: 1
   RE: Инсеминација со донор
26.3.2010 8:24:51   
obrati se vo remedika

< Поракaта ја уредил Палешка -- 26.3.2010 11:24:59 >

(Одговор на членот foxy_m)
Непосредна врска до пораките: 2
   RE: Инсеминација со донор
26.3.2010 15:54:10   
Mila foxy_m jas planiram da praam inseminacija so donator jas se rasprasav so Sistina mislam deka go ima i vo Remedika..mislam deka cini okolu 70000den..i jas sum malku isplasena od celata procedura,kako,sto,ako ima nekoj iskustvo neka ni napisee!!pozz

(Одговор на членот nataly_13215)
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   RE: Инсеминација со донор
26.3.2010 22:57:46   
Dobra tema...
Ajde zenski da go slusnam vaseto mislenje,ste za ili protiv inseminacija so donor???
Licno jas sum ZA no koga razgovaravme na rabota na ovaa tema ne bea bas so pozitivni mislenja...

(Одговор на членот lilicka)
Непосредна врска до пораките: 4
   RE: Инсеминација со донор
27.3.2010 7:57:37   
јас сум за зашто да не ако неможе со нашиот партнер зашто да не со донор...искрено и јас имам размислувано за такво нешто али на нас ни беше речено дека можеме инвитро со маж ми али ако неможеше би прифатила


Човек не мора секогаш да биде херој ама може секогаш да е човек........

(Одговор на членот ananikol)
Непосредна врска до пораките: 5
   RE: Инсеминација со донор
27.3.2010 8:00:27   
ne bi trebalo da kosta 70000 iljadi mislam deka e besplatno,pa jas sum za dokolku soprugot ne moze

(Одговор на членот ananikol)
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   RE: Инсеминација со донор
27.3.2010 9:01:47   
I jas sum za ako ne odi so na mm, no dali i toj bi se soglasil toa ne znam. mazite nekako poinaku razmisluvaat po ovie prasanja ili barem mene taka mi se cini.

(Одговор на членот none)
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   RE: Инсеминација со донор
27.3.2010 19:40:15   
Za zal mnogu cinii i mnogu dolga procedura bilo seto ova inseminacija so donor trebalo dosta da se ceka inaku donacijata e od Danska!!Inaku mm e bukvalno kazano za zal totalno sterilen i po tolku ispituvanja i potroseni parii toj me natera da napravime inseminacija so donor i edvaj cekamm da bidam mama i da go gusnam moeto bebenceuser posted image zelbataa e neopislivo golemaa offf edvaj go cekam toj den!!pozz

(Одговор на членот Merlin)
Непосредна врска до пораките: 8
   RE: Инсеминација со донор
27.3.2010 19:54:54   
Јас сум за, али ... важно је, да дјете зна да један од родителја није биолошки, заиста није ок ако то сазна случајно кад у школи учи о крвним групама - примјер: мама има група а, татко а, дјете 0

(Одговор на членот lilicka)
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   RE: Инсеминација со донор
28.3.2010 22:13:02   
Според мене мислам дека не ни битно тоа со крвните групи туку битно тоа дете да е живо и здраво и ние како родители да го пораснеме и воспитаме на вистински начин за да биде добар човек....не е битно дали е биолошко твое дете или нее битно е како ке го израснеш колку љубов и топлина ќе му пружишuser posted image позз

(Одговор на членот agnes77)
Непосредна врска до пораките: 10
   RE: Инсеминација со донор
28.3.2010 22:26:39   
lilicka ne znam ako se razbirame, ja se potpuno slažem sa tobom, da je važno kako se dete odgajauser posted image ,
ali ostalo je isto kao kod posvojuvanje, dete mora da zna, i ne da se mu prikriva biološki izvor

djete če saznati i zato puno bolje je, da sazana istinu od vlastitih roditelja

(Одговор на членот lilicka)
Непосредна врска до пораките: 11
   RE: Инсеминација со донор
28.3.2010 22:31:40   
Vo ovoj slucaj ovie raboti se nepotrebni optovaruvanja...

(Одговор на членот agnes77)
Непосредна врска до пораките: 12
   RE: Инсеминација со донор
28.3.2010 22:35:07   


Za zal mnogu cinii i mnogu dolga procedura bilo seto ova inseminacija so donor trebalo dosta da se ceka inaku donacijata e od Danska!!Inaku mm e bukvalno kazano za zal totalno sterilen i po tolku ispituvanja i potroseni parii toj me natera da napravime inseminacija so donor i edvaj cekamm da bidam mama i da go gusnam moeto bebenceuser posted image zelbataa e neopislivo golemaa offf edvaj go cekam toj den!!pozz

user posted image user posted image user posted image Само напред!!!


Love is in the air

(Одговор на членот lilicka)
Непосредна врска до пораките: 13
   RE: Инсеминација со донор
28.3.2010 23:19:16   
znaci obrati se imaat i facebook strana ivf remedika znam deka se ceka no takva e postapkata pozdrav

(Одговор на членот pacuvce)
Непосредна врска до пораките: 14
   RE: Инсеминација со донор
29.3.2010 0:39:18   
Секој човек доколку има желба за дете има полно право и да го добие, на кој начин е сосема небитно, битна е крајната цел. 
Ви посакувам што побрзо да поминете низ процедурата и да ни се пофалите со бременост и девет месеци потоа да си уживате со вашето user posted image


lilicka ne znam ako se razbirame, ja se potpuno slažem sa tobom, da je važno kako se dete odgajauser posted image ,
ali ostalo je isto kao kod posvojuvanje, dete mora da zna, i ne da se mu prikriva biološki izvor

djete če saznati i zato puno bolje je, da sazana istinu od vlastitih roditelja

И се сложувам со агнес дека вистината треба да се дознае од сопствените родители и не треба да се крие.
И ќе додадам уште нешто, оваа ситуација е специфична дури и повеќе отколку што е посвојувањето. Кога се посвојува двајцата родители се подготвуваат на тоа и двајцата се наоѓаат во иста ситуација. Кај инсеменација со донор имаме еден биолошки родител кој ќе минува најнормално низ бременоста, кој за детето ќе биде врзан на сите можни начини, преку крвно сродство, преку бременоста, породувањето, потоа доењето и еден родител кој не е биолошки и кој за да биде добар родител ќе мора да се поврзе со детето само преку љубовта која ќе ја гради. Тоа посекако не е лесна задача и не треба да се занемарува и треба да се посвети внимание на тоа и да се најде начин и тој да се подготви и да добие доволно разбирање и подршка од својата партнерка исто како што и тој несебично ја дава.


Sometimes two people have to fall apart to realise how much they need to fall back together

(Одговор на членот agnes77)
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   RE: Инсеминација со донор
29.3.2010 0:54:44   
Mislam deka Agnes ima pobrkano nesto....

Vo ovoj slucaj donatorot potpisuva deka nema nikakvi prava vrz ona sto ke go donira...

Imate samo opis na donatorot negovite karakteristiki...sega po novoto vleguva i negoviot IQ.

Kakvo zapoznavanje...kakvi bakraci..

(Одговор на членот niki)
Непосредна врска до пораките: 16
   RE: Инсеминација со донор
29.3.2010 8:43:58   

Mislam deka Agnes ima pobrkano nesto....

Vo ovoj slucaj donatorot potpisuva deka nema nikakvi prava vrz ona sto ke go donira...

Imate samo opis na donatorot negovite karakteristiki...sega po novoto vleguva i negoviot IQ.

Kakvo zapoznavanje...kakvi bakraci..

Pa to ja znam i razumem, da donor nema nikakvi prava. Ali dete, kad poraste treba da zna, kako je nastalo. Prije ili ranije on če znati, djeca saznaju. Tako da je puno bolje, da se detetu objasni. Nije fer, da saznaš kako tvoj tata nije biološki tata kod doktora ili u školi. To je sve što sam željela kazati. Jas puno potpiram donorstvo i super je da postoje različite mogučnosti, da dobimo dete. Ali na kraju krajeva djete je novi čovjek koji ima pravo da zna sve o svom izvoru.


"When parents make a decision not to tell their child how they were conceived they are deciding for the child that they don''t have the right to know or to deal with the truth. They might deliberately choose a sperm donor who looks like the male partner- thinking this will fool everyone- including the child. But you will always know. The donor will always know. You will always be lying to your child. Whoever raises the child will be ''daddy''- that role is the hard part! A sperm donor is simply that- he will never be ''Daddy''. So why are we so afraid to tell the truth? Often it isn''t just the child that isn''t told openly, in an age appropriate and sensitive manner- and the right time for that child- often no-one else is told either. So a secret is cre_ated - with the people who love you. Why is this? Why make a decision to lie to your child- withholding information is lying, whichever way you look at it- a child you are presumably planning to encourage to themselves be honest and kind."


< Поракaта ја уредил agnes77 -- 29.3.2010 9:06:29 >

(Одговор на членот ananikol)
Непосредна врска до пораките: 17
   RE: Инсеминација со донор
29.3.2010 9:19:13   
Se nadam, da če netko uraditi prevod na makedonski;)

Donor conception—telling your child

The use of science and medicine to help make a baby, called reproductive technology, may be the only way some people can have a child. This may mean using gametes (eggs or sperm) or embryos, given or donated, by someone else. Not being able to make a baby naturally is common and happens to about one in seven couples. Babies born as a result of this technology are very much wanted and many happy families have been formed in this way.

In the past parents were often advised not to tell their children or their family and friends about this. We now know that this is not necessarily the best for a child in the long run, and that people have a right to know how they were created and about the qualities that have been passed down to them by their parents.

Many people concerned with the best interests of children, and many adults who were born from donated tissue are leading the way to change the law, so that in the future all children can find information about their origins.

What are the words used?

Conceive: to start a baby
Donor: a person who gives sperm, eggs or embryos to someone else
DI (Donor Insemination): donated sperm is introduced into the vagina to help someone have a baby
Embryo: is a fertilised egg in early cellular stage
Gamete: sperm or egg
Genes: qualities passed on from parent to child
Genetic history: history or pattern of qualities passed on through families
Infertility: not able to have a baby
Insemination: in vitro fertilisation brings together sperm and egg outside of the body to cause pregnancy
Reproductive technology: the use of science and medicine to make a baby
Parents’ feelings

You will have gone through the roller coaster of emotions that not being able to have a baby brings. You may have been through a time of immense grief, anger, sadness and loss. You will have had to face not being able to have a child naturally and then deciding upon and going through the process of having a baby with the help of science and medicine. You will have had to come to terms with having a child that is not genetically both ‘yours’.

You may not have told anyone about the help you needed to start your baby. Your child’s grandparents, uncles, aunts and friends may not know. One of you may have children from a previous marriage or relationship who will be affected. It is not easy, and you may have fears that talking about this will harm your relationship with your child. You may find that, on the other hand, not talking about it becomes a burden.

Surveys have shown that most people approve of, and support the use of donors to help make families.

Dealing with your own feelings and the reactions of others is not easy. Many parents are now facing this very difficult situation.

You may need support, and your child may need support. However, your child’s history should not be kept secret from him or her.

Why telling is important

The right to know your history

It is understandable that you may fear that telling will cause problems within your family. It may help if you think about everyone’s right to know where they came from and their genetic history and also to think about what it would mean to live in a family with secrets.

Who we are is partly what we have inherited—it is the beginning of our life story.
Knowing our history helps us to understand who we are.
You may believe that keeping this secret is in the interests of your child because it will protect her from being teased or talked about. However, the experience of adults who were born from donated tissue tells us that it is not so much the learning about the truth but it is the way in which the information is given or discovered that can cause problems.
It is important to consider whether you are prepared to take the risk of your child:
being told by somebody else
accidentally finding out
becoming suspicious and going to one of the reproductive medicine clinics when she reaches 18 years and is able to find out
Being told when she is older may damage her self-esteem.
Any of these may lead to your child’s sense of betrayal and a loss of trust in the people she believed in.

Medical reasons

We all have certain diseases in our family history, such as bowel cancer and breast cancer. Some health problems are passed on from parent to child in genes. If we know our history we can help to either prevent diseases developing or get an early diagnosis and treatment.
Donors are asked to record the diseases in their families and this information is available from the clinics for your child.
DNA testing and blood group testing is becoming more common. Such tests can show that two people may be or may not be related. This is how some people have found out their genetic history. Being given such important and personal information in this way can seriously damage a sense of trust and the family relationships.
There is a small but real risk that when your child becomes an adult he will meet, fall in love and have sex with a half-sister. If both know their origins they could check on whether they were related before this happened.
Family relationships

Secrets are hard to keep for long—the idea of a lifelong secret can be quite frightening and a great burden.
Being secretive may make others, especially your child, feel that you are ashamed. Not being able to have a baby in the natural way is nothing to feel ashamed about.
Secrets in families can damage trust and make people in the family feel insecure.
When and how to tell

When and how your child is told or finds out are most important. Hearing the information from you will help you and your child to have the same understanding of the facts.


Children should grow up with this knowledge rather than be told in a way that makes it seem unusual. From a very early age it can be woven into your child’s understanding of who she is—even if you feel she is too young to understand.
When your child starts to enjoy hearing stories she will be interested in her own ‘story’ and that may be a good time to start.

Your child should be told by you rather than be left to guess or hear it from someone else.
Practise what you plan to tell your child. You might find it helpful to read a book on how to tell your child, or you could talk this over with a counsellor (see 'Books for parents' on last page).
Remember, you as parents know your child best. You know the most about your child and how to say things in a way he’ll understand. You don’t have to use big words if your child won’t understand them, even if they are the technical words that doctors might use.
Start by telling your child early, even if you think she or he is too young to understand. Bring it into conversation from time to time and repeat the information over time. You might like to start talking about where babies come from. You could explain how some babies are made with a mother and father, and how some babies are made with the help of science, medicine and other adults.
Some parents have found it helpful, especially for younger children, to tell it like a story. You might make your own storybook. As your child grows and understands more, encourage her to add more pages and details to her storybook.
Don’t make it sound like a big secret. It is not all that unusual!
Let your child know how you feel, for example, how happy you are about it.
Stress that all children are special and tell your child that there are lots of different ways that families are formed, for example, adoption and stepfamilies.
How will my child respond?

The age and maturity of your child and the way you give the information will make a difference. Be prepared for reactions that you may not be expecting.

Your child may:

not be at all interested
be curious about how it all happened
tell you that she thought something was different all along because no one talked about her having ‘mum’s eye colour’ or ‘dad’s nose’ for example
be watching to see how you feel about it
be anxious to offer you reassurance that it doesn’t affect how much she loves you
be confused or sad in the beginning
need time to think about it
want to know who else knows
ask what to say to others, for example, friends, schoolmates or family members.
When your child wants to know more

Children are naturally curious and may have many questions. They can ask them in a direct way that can often embarrass adults. They may want to know the fine details of why and a description of how it happened. They may ask the same questions more than once. Children need honest answers given in a simple way to suit their age and level of understanding.

It may help your child to know about other children in the same situation. (Counsellors in this area may help you here.)
As children get older they are more likely to want to explore and find out more information.
In most cases there will be non-identifying information about the donor that you can ask for. Sometimes the donor may be contacted to provide more details.
Some donors have moved without leaving a forwarding address and so there may be little information. Prepare your child for this.
The reproductive medicine clinics have counsellors who can help. This is a free service to you and your child (and other family members if needed).
Remember if your child wants to know more about the donor, it does not mean that you are being rejected. It’s about him wanting to know more about who he is.

Telling family and friends

All families are different and you may want to talk to a counsellor about how to tell those who are close to you.
Choose people who will be supportive when told and who can provide support if you need it.
You may need to think in advance about how best to handle people’s different reactions.
If you have told a family member or friend, and not your child, the information may come out by mistake.

(Одговор на членот agnes77)
Непосредна врска до пораките: 18
   RE: Инсеминација со донор
29.3.2010 9:41:10   
Razisluvam glasno.

Zosto donor od Danska.
Nemoze li donor da e nekoj od pobliskoto semejstvo (brat ili bratuced na mazot) taka genite bi ostanale vo semejstvoto, jes da ova kaj nas bi bilo TABUUUUU, ama sepak neli sestri i majki si pozajmuvaat jajce kletki, toa e isto neli.


Allways look on the bright side of life!

(Одговор на членот agnes77)
Непосредна врска до пораките: 19
   RE: Инсеминација со донор
29.3.2010 9:43:15   
A se soglasuvam so Agnes deka treba da se znae, ne e toa zaradi bioloski tatko ili sl, tuku za nasledni osobini, bolesti i sto li uste ne sto deteto go dobiva od roditelite, nikoj ne saka da zivee vo zabluda, a i ne treba


Allways look on the bright side of life!

(Одговор на членот zami)
Непосредна врска до пораките: 20
   RE: Инсеминација со донор
29.3.2010 9:54:27   

Razisluvam glasno.

Zosto donor od Danska.
Nemoze li donor da e nekoj od pobliskoto semejstvo (brat ili bratuced na mazot) taka genite bi ostanale vo semejstvoto, jes da ova kaj nas bi bilo TABUUUUU, ama sepak neli sestri i majki si pozajmuvaat jajce kletki, toa e isto neli.

Јас не би се чувствувала добро со себе си ако морам да земам сперма од братот или таткото на мм, незнам не ми е природно тоа. Некој непознат кој нема лик, кој нема никаква врска со нас ми е подобар избор.

Агнес ќе биде прекрасен родител и и посакувам што побргу да завршат со посвојувањето и да уживаат. Сите нејзини постови покажуваат колку зрело, со голема воља и љубов ја сватила својата ситуација и колку промислено се подготвува за мајчинството не оставајки ништо да биде случајност. Јас просто и се восхитувам.user posted image user posted image user posted image user posted image user posted image user posted image


Sometimes two people have to fall apart to realise how much they need to fall back together

(Одговор на членот zami)
Непосредна врска до пораките: 21
   RE: Инсеминација со донор
30.3.2010 20:08:48   
Lilicka, jas se raprasav vo Sisitina i mi rekoa 1100-1400 eu vo zavisnost od podviznosta na spermatozoidite. Se ceka okolu 2 meseci. Mene mi e malku strav okolu prenesuvanje na bolesti, znam deka se pravat testovi za sida, hepatit...ama pusti strav. Za genetski bolesti, pak, nikoj od nas ne znae sto nosi vo sebe:( Potoa sledat nekoi ispituvanja dali moze da se pravi inseminacija ili da se odi na ivf. Kazi mi sto ispituvanja pravese, da znam sto me ceka? Pozdrav.....

(Одговор на членот lilicka)
Непосредна врска до пораките: 22
   RE: Инсеминација со донор
30.3.2010 21:46:42   
Mila foxy_m morame nekako da pocneme so pozitivni misli i jas sum malku isplasena no jas i mm nema drug izbor osven ineseminacija so donor....taka da mila samo pozitivni misli i se ke bide vo red.Jas bev vo Sistina kaj dr.Ivanovski ednas na konsultacija kolku moze da se reci taka toj mi rece da gi napravam slednive ispituvanja:Hormonski,mikrobioloski ispituvanja,pap,sedimentacija,HSG-snimanje na kanalite mislam deka se napisav...se nadevam deka ti pomognav milaa ako imas nekoja druga nova informacija i ti pisi mi..pozz

(Одговор на членот foxy_m)
Непосредна врска до пораките: 23
   RE: Инсеминација со донор
31.3.2010 19:16:28   
Draga lilicka, i nie nemame drug izbor, ama jas nekako so pozitivnite misli sum skarana :( Celo vreme sum depresivna user posted image
Jas bev vo Sistina na pregled kaj dr. Popovic, mi kaza deka treba da ispitam proodnost na jajnici i hormoni, ama toa ponatamu, prvo na uste eden eho pregled naredniot mesec..

(Одговор на членот lilicka)
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   RE: Инсеминација со донор
2.4.2010 23:19:51   
Mila moras da bides jaka vo oviee teski momentii......znam i jas mnogu loso se custvuvam ponekogas no mora da bideme jaki i istrajni i mnogu mnogu uporni,jas gi izgubiv nervite po site tie doktori i trevarki i so ne lazea deka ke go izlecat mm no zivotot odi ponatamu morame da se borime za toa sto sakame da go imameeuser posted image milicka dali napravi nekoe ispituvanjee od tie sto ti kazaa,kakov e problemot na tvojot soprug daj bozee da ispadne se vo redd....ti pustam pozitivna energija i bez grizi se ke bide vo redd.....pozzzz

(Одговор на членот foxy_m)
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